Monday, April 11, 2016

Sale ends tonight - and a beautiful cluster from Anita!

I got another coat of paint on the bathroom walls.  NOW it looks finished - well the walls at least.  Got the cheesecloth on the cupboard door.....another coat of enamel on top of that...its drying now.   Tomorrow - the sign gets attached, and then some rusty chicken wire triangles on the corners.  and the knob.  Can't forget the knob!  Got that done, shopping done..and a little designing done.  Not bad for an old gal, huh?

My latest release, Generations is on sale until midnight tonight - 30% off :)  Tonight I have another lovely piece that Anita made with it to share with you.

The image above is linked to its direct download.  Anita makes the bestest wreaths!  - Kim


  1. Anita, this is stunning!!! Beautiful colors, nicely blended into a lovely wreath. You never disappoint me with your creating. Thanks so much. Kim, thank you for the share.

    1. Thank you so much!! Love your wonderful comments :)

  2. Thank you ! - Kat

  3. Very nice, indeed! Thank you :)


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