Tuesday, January 30, 2018

So cold!!! and a Keep On cluster from Chrissy :)

Good gravy I'm cold tonight....must mean I'm overly tired again - whenever I am, I can't keep a decent body temp going unless I'm buried under the covers.  Normally my temp is low to begin with...it's usually 97 degrees.   The furnace is set to 70....and I have on two long sleeved shirt, 2 pairs of socks, fuzzy flannel loungers, a huge hand knit sweater, and a stocking cap over my inch long hair.  YES - I am still freezing.  Hot soup on the menu tonight now!    Tonight I have a Keep On cluster from Chrissy to share with you - I just love it!   Tomorrow you get one from me :)

Just click on the image above to download!  See you tomorrow!


  1. Cute cluster Chrissy,thank you! Kim I hope you warm up, I'm sure some warm soup will help.Thank you as always for your generous sharing.

  2. Thanks Chrissy! Beautiful cluster. So sorry for your chilly discomfort. Hope you feel warm again soon.


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