Thursday, June 9, 2016

Snips & Snails - new this week, and a fantastic cluster!

We didn't get the heat that was forecast...but good gravy Marie did we ever get the rain.....12 straight hours, from steady showers to heavy thunderstorms...which means there will be no working in the yard for a few days unless I don't mind the yard sucking up my shoes when I walk on it.  Sun is shining now....but can you say HUMID?  ugh.  just plain UGH.  So, I stayed inside and worked on another rock/pebble covered globe for outside instead...and worked some design time in there, too :)  Hope your day was...dryer?  LOL :)

  This week I have a companion kit to Sugar & Spice - aptly named Snips & Snails :)   It's on sale for 30% off until next Monday in my shop at The Digichick, and we'll start off the clusters tonight with an awesome one from Jenni - made with the new collection, of course!

and a little inspiration!

LOVE those double pagers - all such good inspiration!

                      Just click on the image to download!  See you tomorrow! - Kim


Thanks for stopping by!