Monday, April 18, 2016

A Fearless cluster from Jenni tonight :)

Posting early tonight...well, a little early - because $2 Tuesday begins in just a while, and I need to go get that all ready!    Tonights wonderful cluster is from Jenni - made with Fearless - on sale until midnight tonight!

The image above is linked to its direct download.  One more cluster to go..and be sure to check out the $2 Tuesday specials - that sale begins about 8 pm tonight!  - Kim


  1. Jenni, this is absolutely stunning!!! Thanks so very much. Kim, as always, thank you for the wonderful share.

  2. Love this one! Thank you!! - Kat

  3. Thanks for the lovely cluster Jenni and Kim. I love the gradient colors of the background design behind the flower. Great effect!

  4. Love this strong, yet pretty, statement. Thank you.

  5. thank you for the beautiful cluster, loving this kit!

  6. I don't know how I've missed all of these beauties. Thank you Jenni, whomever you are ;)


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