Wednesday, December 3, 2014

First Frost cluster

New Releases just came out - but I still have clusters with First Frost!  Keep an eye on the blog tomorrow - there will be quite a few gorgeous clusters available!  Tonights cluster is a beauty from Jenni, made using last weeks release :)

The above  image is linked to your direct download.  Yep!  more to come!  -Kim


  1. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Thank you for beautiful clusters you are giving as freebies. But I have to tell you that today's freebie is the same that was posted on Dec.1, it is not today's preview.

  3. Thank you for the beautiful freebies. Your kits are just lovely! Joy

  4. I'm guessing that this is download #4, as it is the only one I am missing...when I click on it to download, it says it is file # 9, which I already have. When I extract it, it is the same as number 9....just like lillita says.....Helen

  5. Number 4 was in the post that Kim sent about an hour ago. We're all missing the download from December 3rd, Kim. These are all gorgeous. Would love to have this one, too. Thank you!

  6. Thank you so much for your generosity !


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