Saturday, November 15, 2014

Wisconsin weather, and a great Good Eats cluster!

Oh, the weather outside is frightful....but the fire (i wish!) is so delightful...and since we've no place to go....Let it snow! Let it snow! Let is snow!    *coughs*  Be thankful you can't hear me sing that, lol!  BUT - snowing it is.  Since noon.   This has been your daily Wisconsin weather report brought to you live from Kimeric Kamp in beautiful southwestern Wisconsin!

Aren't you glad that's over?  LOLOL :)   Tonight, I have a very cool cluster from Jenni - she made is using my new collection, Good Eats!   

The above image is linked to your direct download!  Come on back tomorrow for another - cluster that so much the weather report! -Kim


  1. Beautifully done. Thank you.

  2. Please keep the weather reports coming! It's a good reminder to others (like me) that it gets nasty in the upper regions of the US. Watched some good snowy college football games yesterday from the comfort of our livingroom, but those stands were packed! Brrr.. Thank you for sharing another cluster!


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