Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Last one with Bright Side :)

Happy Tuesday?  Somehow it doesn't seem like Tuesday....ah well.  I wouldn't know anyway, being cooped up in here.  It simply will not stop raining!   Making up for last year, I spose.   Anyhow - I have one more cluster to share with you that Anita made using Bright Side of the Road.   Then we move on to new stuff!!

The image is linked to your direct download.  Enjoy!  -Kim


  1. These colors are so pretty, a great contrast to the gray skies we've had forever! Thanks.

  2. Thank You soooooooooooooo very, very much for being SO generous with us!!!!! You share the most gorgeous freebies with us & they are all oh so fun to use...THANKS!!!!!

  3. I highlighted your blog and this freebie on my Monday's Guest Freebies. I also shared it with 1,720 followers of my Free Digital Scrapbook Board on Pinterest. Thank you. http://scrapbookalphabet.blogspot.com/2013/06/mondays-guest-freebies-kimeric-kreations.html

  4. Very nice, like always! Have a nice day, Susie.


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