Monday, October 22, 2012

Denim and Lace cluster :)

It's Monday....chilly and rainy - - what happened to the beautiful weather I had yesterday??? Doggoneit - I had a few more things to do outside...ah well. Maybe tomorrow!  In the meantime, how about another Denim and Lace frame cluster? 

This one was made by Anita (modgee) - beautiful, isn't it?  The image is linked to your direct download :)  Happy Scrapping! -Kim


  1. Thank you Kim & Anita. It's a lovely cluster!

  2. Many thanks for the lovely Denim & Lace freebie cluster - much appreciated xx

  3. Another great cluster! Thank you!

  4. Yes, it IS a lovely frame cluster, but she had a marvelous kit to work with, so while not minimizing the beauty of the cluster frame, i still have to remark on how much i like the kit - Denim and Lace. i was a tomboy in my childhood - comfortable on horseback, climbing trees, rollerskating, walking on stilts, playing marbles (and winning!), riding my bike...yet, on rainy days, i loved my dolls and paper dolls, playhouse, and all those Denim & Lace is one of my favorites of your kits! Thanks so much for the frame cluster - it's a marvelous addition to the kit!

    1. you sound just like my daughter, jayleigh - and that's the reason behind the kit. so glad you enjoy it!! -Kim

  5. Thank you for sharing another gorgeous cluster!!


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