Friday, July 28, 2017

A What Could Go Wrong cluster from Jenni tonight!'s Friday :)  Time is going by so darned fast this month....hard to believe it's almost gone already.    Beautiful day here, a little on the warmer side of things, but with a beautiful breeze.   Eric is now outside watering my pots.....we spent the day in town working with his Mom to go thru her library and bulletin board supplies at church - they have to be brought home.   She is a hoarder, remember?    We are talking huge plastic totes FILLED with newspaper clippings, 20 years worth of calendars (for the images) name it - she has it.  To make bulletin boards for church.  and now bringing it home, where there is NO room.     This is what Eric's sister and son are coming down to help us with tomorrow.....wish us LUCK :)

Tonight I have a beautiful cluster that Jenni put together using What Could Go Wrong? - new this week at the Digichick.   Have a wonderful evening!

Just click on the image to download.  See you tomorrow! - Kim


  1. Good one!! Anyone can use this one, even adults.

  2. Great cluster Jennie. Thanks so much. Hope you have a great weekend Kim and Eric!

  3. Boy do I have a perfect picture of my kids when they were young for this one! Thank you.

  4. Boy do I have a perfect picture of my kids when they were young for this one! Thank you.


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