Thursday, July 13, 2017

A Night Out - new this week & a cluster from Chrissy!

Hey there everyone :)  So, the long story short on my health - you're stuck with me for a while yet....small growth in the lymph nodes in my lung.....which could have waited for treatment if it weren't for a quarter sized pesky spot on my liver.  It's not deep....and not 100% sure it's even cancer, but spots don't grow like that for no we assume...and I start chemo again on Monday.  Luckily, it has been long enough since the last time that I can have it again - but they are changing out the main chemical, as the cancer won't respond to it again.  Here we go again.   Two rounds of it....then another CT.   Hopefully, I can keep up again!    So, for right now, I'm fine :)         This week I have a collection that will help scrap those fun nights out with family or friends - A Night Out.  Filled with all sorts of goodies to scrap movies and restaurants with - it's a fun one, and on sale now at The Digichick!   I have some awesome clusters to share, too - starting tonight with one from Chrissy :)

and a little inspiration!

Aren't those fun and fabulous?  I love my Creative Team!

Just click on the image to download.  See you tomorrow! - Kim


  1. What a cute cluster! Thank you Chrissy!

  2. Thank you for the adorable pizza guy! Just perfect for tomorrow night's homemade pizza! Praying for strength and for complete healing.

  3. Chrissy, what a wonderful cluster. Made me smile right away. Thanks so much. Kim, prayers sent up for a positive outcome on the latest news. Your strong will has a way of taking on the challenge and winning. As always, thank you for the share. P.S. Bald is Beautiful!!!

  4. So sorry to hear that you have to go another round. Hopefully, this will be the heave ho that will end it. Thank you for this adorable cluster-love pizza!

  5. After many years of Traditional Scrapping, I've recently begun to learn DigiScrapping and 'discovered' your Lovely creations in the past few weeks. I've appreciated them! I am sorry to hear of your health problems and will hope that things work out well for you - and soon! ;-}

  6. Hope all goes well this round and this kicks C's butt!

    Thanks for the lovely kit and clusters!

  7. Oh Kim, so sorry for this setback. With your strong spirit, you will beat this again. I pray chemo will not be difficult this time with the different drug. Thinking about you and your family and how amazing you are. Keep that positive attitude--it matters! Best wishes to you. Also, thanks Chrissy and Kim for this great cluster.

  8. You have such an amazing spirit and I'm sorry you have more chemo in the future! Best wishes to you and your family Kim.

  9. Pizza man is sooo cute. Praying for you during this challenging time

  10. Thank you for sharing your experience so honestly Kim. It helps me as I go through the same thing. Sending positive thoughts.

  11. A setback for sure, Kim, and definitely no fun having the chemo again. Sharing all this is so good for you and allows all of us to send positive thoughts your way! You have such an amazing attitude!

  12. He is adorable and can deliver pizza to my house anytime. Thank you


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