Saturday, March 11, 2017

Turn back those clocks tonight - and a Milestones cluster to share!

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......didn't even hit 25 today!    It's supposed to warm up by Wednesday, but not before a snowstorm coming late Sunday night.....and into our travel time Monday morning to Lacrosse.  Doesn't that just figure?  We're hoping that as usual, the weatherman is WRONG :)   Lots accomplished today tho - working on a new collection and making some planters for some new houseplants I got the other day.  Got a heck of a deal  - I order almost all my plants from Santa Rosa Gardens in California, and they were having a 65% off houseplants sale with free shipping.  you CAN NOT beat that!  Plus, they come right to your door, lol - - so I'm working on a burlap and seashell planter for the bathroom for the arrowhead plants I got...they are streaked with a pale pink....there isnt' any pink in our bathroom, but hey...the plants will look good :)     So.....don't forget to turn back  your clocks tonight - - darker in the mornings for a while again!   BUT - sunshine later in the afternoon again :)     Tonight I have another beautiful cluster piece to share with you from Chrissy, made with Milestones - one sale until Monday night at The Digichick.

Just click on the image to download - see you tomorrow! - Kim


  1. Be sure to turn your clocks ahead an hour, Kim! You "spring ahead in spring" and "fall back in fall". That's the only way I remember it! :) Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful work with us! You are one of my absolutely favorite designers! I love your work! :)

  2. Lovely cluster as usual! Wish I could send you some warmer weather Kim! Thanks for all the lovely gifts you so generously give to us!

  3. With an automatic watch the winding of this spiral spring is done automatically with any arm or wrist movement. Montre s.Oliver


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