Saturday, March 18, 2017

A beautiful day & a beautiful cluster set tonight!

An absolutely gorgeous day here in Wisconsin!  In the low 50's - windows open, which is good, since I'm painting my kitchen cabinets, lol :)  Last year I redid all the ceilings and got my new light fixtures up.  Well, I have one more fixture for the window above the's an industrial wire basket type.  Meant to be a pendant, but I bought the conversion hardware to hard wire it up....I just plain love it!  I also have a new backsplash to put in - - hoping to somehow get this done in the next few days  - even with radiation going on.   Speaking of that...I'm starting to feel some of the impact of the treatments.  I have a sore throat now...not your typical raw feeling sore throat - this is in the musculature of the I pulled a muscle in there?  It's a very strange sensation.  My chest hurts, as if I pulled muscles there, too.  and the area between my boobs and up to my throat is darkening in color.      Weird.  Very very weird.  I'm constantly being amazed at what I am putting this old body thru right now..and that it's not complaining more than it is!   At least I'm off the steroids now, and still have some energy to work on cool projects like kitchen cabinet painting (yes, I'm laughing at that one).     Oh, and the best news for today?   #8 Wisconsin kicked #1 Villa Nova in the behind today and made the Sweet 16 teams for March Madness!  GO BADGERS!      Tonight I have a beautiful cluster set that Chrissy made to share with you, made with Whispers of the Soul - on sale now at The Digichick - and when you purchase the collection, you get With a Little Luck for free!  Have a great night!


Just click on the image to download - see you tomorrow! - Kim


  1. Chrissy, this is lovely dear. Thanks so much - Kim, be sure to EAT while taking these treatments. Your throat will be sore and you won't want to but you must EAT!!! High calorie food. As always, thank you for the share dear, and I'm sure your kitchen is going to be da bomb (smiles)


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